Annual Plans

The Public Housing Reform Act requires submission of both a Five-Year and an Annual Plan. The Five-Year Plan describes the agency’s mission and the long- term plan for achieving that mission over a period of five years. The Annual Plan provides details about the Housing Authority’s current programs and the resident population served, as well as TGHA’s strategy for addressing the housing needs of currently assisted families. In addition, the law requires that the plan be consistent with the City of Greenville’s Consolidated Plan.

To ensure public participation in the process, the Plan, including attachments and supporting documents are available for inspection by the public during normal business hours at the TGHA office or the TGHA website

The PHA Plan serves as a strategic planning tool addressing payment standards, preferences, admission and occupancy procedures, capital improvement needs, the Homeownership Plan, etc. The Plan process is an annual opportunity to determine the role of the Housing Authority in our community – now and in the future.

Housing Authorities are required to establish a Resident Advisory Board (RAB) whose membership consists of individuals who reflect and represent residents assisted by the Housing Authority. The RAB makes recommendations regarding the development of the PHA Plan and any significant amendments or modification to the Plan. Residents can ensure their needs are being addressed and become more involved in issues that directly affect them. TGHA benefits by working with the residents who provide important information regarding the physical condition of their units and neighborhoods. In addition, residents will be more aware of the process that our Housing Authority undergoes to prioritize capital fund activities.


MTW Plans





Agency Plans 2025-2030

Progress Reports

The Progress Reports are a description of TGHA’s progress in meeting its Mission and Goals described Section 3.B. of the 5-Year Plan. The reports are updated annually and attached to the respective plan. Example: FYE 2017 Progress Report is attached to
FY 2018 Agency Plan.


Click the Year link to view the document 

2015   2016  

2018   2019 


Annual Plans

The Public Housing Reform Act requires submission of both a Five-Year and an Annual Plan. The Five-Year Plan describes the agency’s mission and the long- term plan for achieving that mission over a period of five years. The Annual Plan provides details about the Housing Authority’s current programs and the resident population served, as well as TGHA’s strategy for addressing the housing needs of currently assisted families. In addition, the law requires that the plan be consistent with the City of Greenville’s Consolidated Plan.

To ensure public participation in the process, the Plan, including attachments and supporting documents are available for inspection by the public during normal business hours at the TGHA office or the TGHA website

The PHA Plan serves as a strategic planning tool addressing payment standards, preferences, admission and occupancy procedures, capital improvement needs, the Homeownership Plan, etc. The Plan process is an annual opportunity to determine the role of the Housing Authority in our community – now and in the future.

Housing Authorities are required to establish a Resident Advisory Board (RAB) whose membership consists of individuals who reflect and represent residents assisted by the Housing Authority. The RAB makes recommendations regarding the development of the PHA Plan and any significant amendments or modification to the Plan. Residents can ensure their needs are being addressed and become more involved in issues that directly affect them. TGHA benefits by working with the residents who provide important information regarding the physical condition of their units and neighborhoods. In addition, residents will be more aware of the process that our Housing Authority undergoes to prioritize capital fund activities.






The Progress Reports are a description of TGHA’s progress in meeting its Mission and Goals described Section 3.B. of the 5-Year Plan. The reports are updated annually and attached to the respective plan. Example: FYE 2017 Progress Report is attached to
FY 2018 Agency Plan.

Click the Year link to view the document 

2015   2016  

2018   2019